Significance of Kriya Yoga
The name Kriya Yoga comes from the Sanskrit verbs Kri and Ya. Kri means All activities, all actions. Ya means The source of all activities. Thus, Kriya means the remembrance of the Inner Invisible Self, Soul, as the real performer, the Real Doer of all the actions. Spirituality is the essence of the Creation. It is the innermost centre in the heart of all religions and faiths in which the Creator discloses Himself. Yoga in general and Kriya Yoga in particular into is the art and science of spirituality. Through the practice of meditation, one breaks through the limits of material existence and realizes his unity with the Universal Highest Self.
Purpose of Kriya Yoga
To get to the Soul, is the purpose of Kriya Yoga. Meditation is the practice of the presence of God. Kriya Yoga is the highest form of the practice of the presence of God. It is about how the Soul descended into the body. It is how to take it back to the spine and the brain beyond the confines of the body into the vast infinite. Spine and Brain are the Altars of God.
The Key to Self Realization
Kriya Yoga is the key to Self- Realization. The Guru’s help and guidance are essential ( charcoal doesn’t burn by itself, but when fire enters it all becomes red and glowing…). Yoga means scientific union with God. It is not the privilege of Christ and a few Masters to go there. All waves are from the same ocean! No matter what your personal situation is, God is with you! Seek Him, find Him. Help Him to pull you and make you as He is. Kriya Yoga is based on scientific breathing techniques. It involves learning to control simultaneously the breathing energy and thought power. It enables the practitioner to overcome the restlessness of the mind.
It gives the power of concentration and enables to go gradually beyond the limitations and complications of the biological self ( which is the source of all stress, sufferings, restlessness, and irritability) as well as, to go beyond thoughts. Through regular, continuous daily exercise, Kriya Yoga gives the power of intuition. It finally leads to the experience of pure consciousness and Self-Realisation (= oneness) with the Supreme Self, God. The ancient Indian masters of the Veda’s realized that unending, continuous happiness is the goal of Creation and all Created Beings. To acquire that absolute happiness, we need to realize our Oneness with The Creator. He who is the source of all happiness and Absolute Bliss, God.
In addition to peace and happiness, Kriya Yoga gives strong and vigorous health. It also gives efficiency in work, the power of decision making, a sense of Universal Love, harmony with fellow human beings and the Whole Creation. Kriya Yoga involves easy to learn scientific physical exercises, breathing, and meditation techniques. It is suitable for young as well as older people and easy to integrate into daily life. This technique is a Holy technique, which is transmitted orally from a teacher to the person who sincerely wants to learn Kriya Yoga. Personal initiation in the techniques is required.